Trees on or near construction sites can usually be protected and preserved if they are structurally sound and in good vigor. However, structurally poor, hazardous or irreparably declining trees should usually be removed and appropriately replaced during repair or development projects.
Arbor Global possesses the knowledge, proven experience, skill and ability to work with property owners, construction teams, stakeholders and development opponents to help all parties understand the challenges and reach well-informed decisions on appropriate tree protection and preservation or removal and replacement. Arbor Global provides tree assessment and analysis services and provides the best solutions and support for all involved. We focus on minimizing the risk of harm to important, valuable trees, helping them to survive and thrive for many years after disturbance, or work with stakeholders to find options that will remove poorly performing trees and establish sustainable, legacy trees.
There are many techniques, some quite simple and inexpensive, that can provide protection and preservation of trees from construction impacts. To effectively identify and develop protective measures, it is necessary to consult with a professional arborist when the project is in the initial planning phase. A professional arborist is qualified to identify which trees can be reasonably protected and then work with the designers and construction team to develop and apply effective protection and treatment techniques during all phases of construction operations.
To learn more about Tree Protection & Preservation Management Services, please contact us.
Avoiding Construction Damage – http://www.isa-arbor.com/consumer/avoiding.html
Treatment of Construction Damage – http://www2.champaign.isa-arbor.com/consumer/treating.html