Do you truly know how well your work crews and program are performing? If asked, could you provide objective, supported measurements of productivity, work quality and contract compliance? Do your work crews truly understand your performance expectations? Do you have a satisfactory contract enforcement tool?
Arbor Global’s extensive experience actively administering measurably successful programs has demonstrated that it is necessary to have a comprehensive, technically focused, regularly applied audit system in order to ensure that the program is operating at peak performance. We have also found that a well-designed and executed audit system will establish and clearly communicate performance expectations, effectively and efficiently identify and address specific performance challenges, and track and document unimpeachable performance data to justify resource needs to upper management and regulatory agencies.
Arbor Global has developed, tested, and implemented a measurably successful, objective, comprehensive work crew audit system that establishes standards and measures productivity, work quality, and key contract compliance factors. This system has resulted in measured productivity increases of at least 20% and sometimes as much as 100%. Work quality significantly improved from baseline performance measurements at the beginning of the audit. Work crew focus, satisfaction, and pride were significantly enhanced through this system.
To learn more about Crew Performance Audit Systems, please contact us.